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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Heart Radio 104.9fm SPRING DIP Interview with Phat Joe

Had great fun in Studio yesterday with Phat Joe and his crew on Heart Radio 104.9..
Crazyyyy interview..hahaha
Here is the link to listen to the interview:

This year’s Spring Dip takes place at Surf Road Beach. The Breakfast team will be fruzzing with me (that’s freezing and buzzing in one word) so join the fun in support of the Ripple Effect, and pledge your support to water safety this summer.
Date: 1 September 2011
Time: Starts at 6.30am, Dip at 8.10am.
Address: Surf Road Beach, Mouille Point

Sunday, 28 August 2011

The Chrysalis Foundation offers a life skills course for girls from 14 to 18 who have been physically and mentally traumatised, and are vulnerable in their communities including those living in children's homes and places of safety. The purpose of the course is to uplift, educate and equip the girls to not only be in a position to cope with the crime perpetrated against them, but to also enable them to reach their full potential.
The main focus of the lectures is to impart knowledge and life skills to the students, but vital therapeutic elements have been incorporated into the lecture modules to address the trauma and the psychological damage done to the girls. The results obtained to date have been phenomenal, and have been a life-changing experience for the 1200 girls involved.
The course is managed by a group of volunteer-businesswomen, and the lecturers are acknowledged experts in their fields of endeavor. Each course is comprised of 16 lecture modules presented over 3 months, as well as skills-building group activities, educational and cultural excursions, and takes place under the guidance of psychologists and social workers.
Once the students have successfully completed the course with both its practical and therapeutic benefits there are a series of ongoing skills-development courses and practical work experience opportunities available to them.

I will be raising as many funds as possible for this amazing foundation and if you want to make any
form of donation, please contact me for further details :

Banking Details:
Acc Name: The Chrysalis Foundation
Branch Code: 128842
Acc Number: 1288 134940
A clear reference should be provided with your payment:
e.g. Mr SA Jfagan- "Company/Business/Personal name"

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Heart Radio 104.9fm SPRING DIP -- Come Join ME

Heart Radio 104.9fm SPRING DIP

This year’s Spring Dip takes place at Surf Road Beach. The Breakfast team will be fruzzing with you (that’s freezing and buzzing in one word) so join the fun in support of the Ripple Effect, and pledge your support to water safety this summer.
Date: 1 September 2011
Time: Starts at 6.30am, Dip at 8.10am.
Address: Surf Road Beach, Mouille Point (see address attached)

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

My Journey Starts today!

I will be posting new updates everyday, so check out my blog and follow me on this amazing journey ;)